Dear Brothers,
It is with great honor and humility that I address you as your District Deputy Grand Master Toronto West As we embark on this Masonic journey together, I am filled with enthusiasm and dedication to our noble Craft.
Our Mission: As DDGM TW, my mission is clear—to foster brotherhood, strengthen our lodges, and ensure the smooth functioning of our district. Together, we will work tirelessly to promote unity, harmony, ritual work, mentorship, and Masonic education. My term extends over the next year, during which I promise to be accessible, engaged, and supportive. Let us make the most of this time to create positive change within our district. Within our district, we have dedicated officers who play essential roles. Our District Chairmen and all other brothers contribute significantly to our success. Let us collaborate, communicate, and work as a cohesive team. Communication and Lodge Visits: Regular communication is vital. I encourage you to reach out to me, share your ideas, and express any feedback. I look forward to visiting each lodge, witnessing your work, and celebrating our achievements together. During my visits, we will discuss various topics: Membership Growth: How can we attract new members and retain existing ones? Charity: Our duty extends beyond the lodge — let us continue our charitable endeavors. Community Involvement: How can we positively impact our community? One way is to participate in our Charity Events. Familiarize yourselves with the gavel, wands, and other regalia used during lodge meetings. Respect the protocols for presenting and receiving honors.
Brothers, our district thrives when we work together, support one another, and exemplify the virtues of Freemasonry. Let us build bridges, strengthen bonds, and leave a lasting legacy. Remember that we are not alone. We have the support of your fellow Masons, the wisdom of our past leaders, and the guidance of the Great Architect of the Universe. May the Great Architect of the Universe guide us on this noble path. I am excited to work together with you. I eagerly await our shared accomplishments.
R.W. Bro. Matwinder Phull
DDGM Toronto West District
District News & Events
District Chairman
Advisory Board
R. W. Bro.
Andy Penaflor
R. W. Bro.
William B Bath
Blood Donor
W. Bro.
Wesley Almedia
Bowl for Kids Sake
W. Bro.
Jim Azucena
W. Bro.
Vinesh Lala
W. Bro.
Vinesh Lala
W. Bro.
Kim Marquis
Education/Lodge of Instruction
W. Bro. Len DiSalvia
W. Bro.
Kwadwo Addae
Bro. Harinder Sawhney & V. W. Bro. Steve Ellstrom
W. Bro. Jim Jack
W. Bro.
Bud Sukhu
W. Bro. Manjeet Sehmbi
Strategic Planning
W. Bro. William Macpherson
R. W. Bro.
Ken Singh
Bro. Sam Wazir
Wardens Assoc.
W. Bro. Andrew Norwood
W. Bro. Hansel Marcek
W. Bro. Augusto Santana
Youth Initiative
W. Bro. Salvador Banzales

District Charity
Prostate Cancer Reaserach
Tremendous progress has been made, yet prostate cancer is still the most commonly diagnosed cancer among Canadian men, with 1 in 8 expected to be diagnosed in their lifetime.
Get in Touch
District Deputy Grand Master
R. W. Bro. Matwinder S. Phull
District Secretary
W. Bro. John Dorris
District Webmaster
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.