The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted
Masons of Canada in the Province of Ontario

Grand Lodge Officers 2024-2025
Grand Master: M. W. Bro. Jamie R. Ireland
Deputy Grand Master: R. W. Arthur Michael Di Cecco
Grand Secretary: R. W. Bro. Louis M. Domjan
From the District: Grand Lodge Officers
Grand Steward: V. W. Bro. David Christopher Junop (Victoria Lodge No.474)
Grand Historian: V. W. Bro. Cory Roland Turnbull (Victoria Lodge No.474)
District Award Recipients
William Mercer Wilson:
Bro. George Burrows (1985), Ionic 229
Bro. Aubrey McGill (1988), King Hiram 566
Bro. Roman Lipovsek (2019), Chinguacousy 738
Grand Master’s Meritorious Service:
R.W. Bro. C.E. Balfour Le Gresley (2009), University 496
R.W. Bro. E. J. Burns Anderson (2011), Kilwinning 565
R.W. Bro. George Burt (2014), Mississauga 524
R.W. Bro. Earl J. Walsh (2022), King Hiram No. 566 & Superior No. 501