Peel No.468
W. Bro. Jim Thornton
3rd Tuesday of the month
Caledon Temple
6028 Old Church, Caledon East, ON L0N 1C0

October 15th, 2024
May 20th, 2025
On Tuesday evening June 7, 1904, about fifty (50) masons assembled under dispensation to inaugurate a new lodge in Caledon East. Worshipful Brother F.N. Leavens, a Past Master of True Blue Lodge 98 in Bolton, was the first Master of Peel Lodge 468. Ture Blue Lodge 98 is considered our mother lodge.
The first lodge room was in a leased flat on the upper level, of the Bradley Building owned by Bro. Thomas Evan, on the main street of Caledon East (Airport Road). It is still standing today. Our second lodge room (1910) was a building attached to St James Anglican Church and was later demolished for an extension to the church.

In 1931 the lodge switched from Tuesday nights (closest to the full moon) to the third Friday of the month and then in 2003 the lodge switched back to the third Tuesday of the month. History has it that in the first ½ of the 20 century members travelled from Inglewood to the lodge by a railway jigger, others by walking, horseback, train, and auto.
In 1957 our current lodge hall was completed, dedicated, and has been in use since then. At present Peel Lodge 468 Grand Lodge of Canada AF&AM in the Province of Ontario, Valley Chapter 297 Order of the Eastern Star, and Tecumseh Shrine Club, Rameses Shriners met in the building once a month.
In June of 1957, Bro. W. M. Elstone, on his return from New Zealand presented the lodge with two sets of hand made gavels. One set became a true travelling gavel and was circulated to Ontario Lodges and when the journey was completed in was returned to Lodge Timaru No. 196 (May 1961).
1958 saw the formation of Valley Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, and has been a valued and appreciated contributor to the Caledon East Masonic Corporation and Peel Lodge
Worshipful Brother George Berney had 6 sons, 5 grandsons and 3 sons-in-law as members as well as Worshipful Brother J Fleetham had 4 sons, 3 grandsons and 1 son0in-law as members.
Finally in its first 100 years (2004) there were 450 members initiated, 90 Master of the Lodge and 101 affiliations. Next year 2024 the lodge will celebrate its 120th anniversary.