Flower City Lodge No.689
V. W. Bro. Steven Ellstrom
2nd Thursday of the month
Ronald E. Groshaw Brampton Masonic Temple
955 Clark Blvd, Brampton, ON L6T 5L3

February 13th, 2024
April 12th, 2025 @ 2:00pm
Masonry in Brampton had its official beginning in the year 1870, when Ionic Lodge was instituted and since that time the membership has had a steady increase until in 1956 Ionic Lodge boasted a membership of over 340. For some time members of the Fraternity had given some thought regarding the forming of a second lodge here.
On June 6, 1956, a meeting was held at the home of Bro. Archie Campbell in this respect, and as a result it was to ask Grand Lodge for a dispensation to form a second Masonic lodge here. Two names were suggested, viz., Flower City and Chinguacousy, Flower City being the one chosen. At this meeting the following brethren were present: R.W. Bro. E.J. Langley, D.D.G.M., Toronto District A.1; R.W. Bro. Orton Walker, P.G.G.G.M.; V.W. Bro. Charles Allan; V.W. Bro. C. Cheyne; W. Bro. G.E. Townsend; W. Bro. J.A. McCleave, W. Bro. F.F. Wilcox, Bro. W.A. Campbell; Bro. Gordon Kearns. Bro. J.A. McCleave was proposed as the W. Master; V.W. Bro. Charles Allan, Senior Warden; Bro. Gordon Kearns, Junior Warden.
Request was made to Grand Lodge for a dispensation to proceed with the formation of a new lodge. W. Bro. McCleave, V.W. Bro. Allan and Bro. W.A. Campbell were invited to go to Hamilton and received every courtesy, advice and suggestions from the Grand Secretary, R.W. Bro. E.G. Dixon.
As soon as it became known that a new Masonic Lodge was to be formed in Brampton, 32 applications for charter membership were received. It is interesting to note that included in the list of charter members are the names of R.W. Bro. Orton T. Walker, V.W. Bro. Charles Allan, W. Bro. G.E. Townsend, W. Bro. J.A. McCleave, W. Bro. K.J. Davidson, W. Bro. C.F. Kline, W. Bro. V.A. Mountford and W. Bro. W.A. Campbell. There are 13 members from Ionic Lodge, 15 from other lodges in the G.R.C. in the province of Ontario and one each from Alberta, Manitoba, England and Scotland.
Special thanks to R.W. Bro. J.W. Grimmon, D.D.G.M., for his keen interest, excellent suggestions and valuable advice leading to the Institution of Flower City Lodge.
The first officers were as follows:
- Master-W. Bro. J.A. Cleave
- I.P.M.-W. Bro. G.E. Townsend
- Sr. Warden-V.W. Bro. Charles Allan
- J.W.-Bro. Gordon Kearns
- Treasurer-W. Bro. W.A. Campbell
- Secretary- W.C. Gillingham
- Assistant Secretary- Bro. N.D. Davidson
- Chaplin-Bro. L.P. Emerson
- D of C.-W. Bro. C.F. Kline
Sr. Deacon- Bro. Garf Cotton
Jr. Deacon-Bro. W.E. Kelly
I.G.-Bro. J.W. Elley
Jr. Steward-Bro. A.G. Archdekin
Sr. Steward-Bro. S.G. Haslam
- Tyler-Bro. H.G.J. Hudson
March 13, 1957, was a red-letter day in the annals of Flower City Lodge and it was the day our lodge was instituted by R.W. Bro. J.W. Grimmon, assisted by present and past Grand Lodge officers, many of whom wished Flower City Lodge every success. Messages of congratulations and good wishes were read by the secretary. Eight petitions for initiation were received and committees appointed by the W. Master. Ionic Lodge was most generous in presenting Flower City Lodge with a full set of Officers’ Collars and Jewels, the Volume of the Sacred Law, the Square and Compasses and the Working Tools. Bro. W. Clarke presented the twenty-four inch gauge.
The Masonic Trust allowed Flower City Lodge the use of the Lodge Rooms for the year 1957 without charge and the Masonic Central Bureau of Toronto also offered its services free of charge for 1957. R.W. Bro. Orton T. Walker expressed the thanks of Flower City Lodge to R.W. Bro. Grimmon and the official board. The Lodge was closed in Harmony and as many as could do so adjourned to the banquet hall to partake of the refreshments provided.Toasts to her Majesty the Queen, the Grand Lodge of Canada (in the province of Ontario), the visitors and Flower City Lodge were given and responded to in the usual manner. Many of the distinguished guests wished Flower City Lodge well and tendered many suggestions and excellent advice. The Junior Warden’s toast brought to a close a most momentous occasion in Masonic circles in Brampton.
On October the thirty-first, 1957, members of the Fraternity were shocked on learning that our beloved V.W. Bro. Charles Allan, a charter member of Flower City Lodge and our Senior Warden has been suddenly called to the Grand Lodge Above. His memory we revere, his passing we deplore, but such was the will of the Great Architect of the Universe. November the twentieth, 1957, was the day Flower City Lodge No. 689 was constituted and consecrated. In the absence of the M.W.G. Master H.L. Marlyn, R.W. Bro. J.R. Rumball assisted by an official board of Grand Lodge Officers in a very solemn and impressive ceremony and which will never be forgotten by those who were privileged to be present. At the close of the ceremony the Acting Grand Master handed the gavel to W. Bro. McCleave and Grand Lodge retired. After closing the Lodge, a banquet was held in the auditorium of St. Paul’s United Church.
Toasts to Her majesty the Queen, to Grand Lodge, the visitors and to Flower City Lodge were honored in the usual manner. Congratulations and best wishes were again extended to Flower City Lodge and R.W. Bro. E.G. Dixon, the Grand Secretary, explained the significance of the ceremony of the Constitution and Consecration. The Junior Warden’s toast brought to a close the most important event in Flower City Lodge’s short history. November 28, 1957, W. Master J.A. McCleave was installed, and the instituted officers were invested by R.W. Bro. J.D.W. Cumberland and a board of officers.
An interesting item was performed by Bro. Bruce J. McCleave, son of the W. Master and who was the first candidate received into Flower City Lodge, Bro. McCleave gave the instructions to the Master at the Altar. At the close of the ceremony R.W. Bro. Cumberland paid a touching tribute to the late V.W. Brother Charles Allan. The R.W. Brother also acknowledged the assistance he had received from R.W. Brother O.T. Walker and the assisting W.
Brethren. January 9, 1958-The first installation of an elected Master and the investiture of the first elected officers was under the direction of R.W. Brother Orton T. Walker assisted by a board of distinguished Past Masters and Bro. Bruce McCleave giving the instructions at the Altar to his father. Previous to the ceremony Bro. W.C. Gillingham presented the Lodge with an Altar Cloth and Cushion. The brethren were very appreciative with their thanks.
50th Anniversary
May, 2007, members of Flower City Lodge No. 689 joined members from Meridian Lodge No. 687, Wyndham Lodge No. 688, and Temple Lodge No. 690. The evening was attended by MWBro. Gary L. Atkinson, Grand Master; RWBro. Charles A. Woods, DDGM Toronto West; RWBro. Eduardo J. Cordero, DDGM Hamilton C District; RWBro. Donald J. Hamilton, DDGM Wellington District; RWBro. Glenn Russell, DDGM Waterloo District; along with the Worshipful Masters representing the four lodges, including WBro. Eric Fruendt, WM of Flower City Lodge, and copious members from all.
The Logo dates its origin to the early meetings of the lodge, as stated in the Minutes of the first meeting, where the name Flower City Lodge was chosen over (Chinguacousy) Tall Pines. Brampton was known for its production of flowers under glass, in the multitude of greenhouses in the area in the WWII era. Hence the rose wreath around the Square and Compasses, between the two Pillars.
- RWBro. J. A. McCleave elected Grand Junior Warden July 22, 1965
- VWBro. Charles Allen
- MWBro. James N. Allan, Grand Master 1966-1967
- RWBro. Orton T. Walker
- RWBro. Edward G. Langley
- RWBro. J.W. Grimmon
- RWBro. Archie Campbell
- RWBro. J.D.W. Cumberland
- VWBro. Warren Jones
- RWBro. Raymond Furness
- VWBro. Donald Winkworth
- VWBro. R. Frank Russell elected Grand (RAM), appointed Grand Deacon …
- Bro. William Grenville Davis (later Premier of Ontario) Initiated April 1961, Passed June 1961, Raised September 1962
- VWBro. Guenther Gahs
- VWBro. J. E. Hopcroft
- VWBro. Basil Fowler
- RWBro. Leslie O. Dawley, Elected DDGM Toronto District #1 July 2000
- VWBro. Donald Laycock, Appointed Grand Steward July 2001 for being RWBro. Dawley’s District Secretary
- WBro. Terrance Fulton, Elected Potentate of Rameses Shriners 2014
- VWBro. Steven Ellstrom Appointed Grand Steward 2013
Compiled by V.W.Bro.Steven Ellstrom